I have my two youngest kidlets in the shop today, I am sure I will have a bit to say about that....
And I want to share a fantastic chance for local Dresdeners to win something cool for their kids from one of my favorite shops here in the neighborhood: Catapult!
Check it out and enter to win. I will update my adventures with a 4 yr old and nearly 6 yr old in the shop all day a bit later. Right now I need to get ready to open my doors for the day ;)
Over and out.
For now...
Been a SUPER busy day today. The sprogs actually slept for a bit (pictures will be added when I get home ;)), but then a group of young people came in who were a bit loud and woke the poor doodles up. This group that came in is a story for another day and maybe another dimension.
On a good note, my dearest friends - T & P (no, not TP) came in today which made me so happy and reminded me of how very damn lucky I am to have them. Truly turtly truly. They are as kooky as I am. No, really!
On a less that stellar note: we thought we had lost our two big boys. When the hubster got home from work today they should have been home with a friend of J's. The friend was there, but J and L were not to be found. Ugh. Turns out, they pulled a doofy and went to someone else's house, even though they had invited someone over. Needless to say, there will be a stop to visitation rights at and from friends for a bit. Panic is an awful feeling.
After a quick trip down the street to the yarn shop I am feeling a bit better. A bit more zen. The feared competition around the corner may not be competition, after all, but a compliment to me and my shop.
Right, need to get things picked up around the shop so that I can skeedaddle as soon as I have counted out the till. Home to a hot bath, a piece of cake, plying my handspun yarn. Then bed. Bliss.
Welcome back, Stranger! So good to see you blogging again. Can't wait to hear how the boys enjoy shop day!